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Hi there, I’m Amanda! I live with my family near the west coast of FL. I’m a professional photographer and love being outside in God’s creation. Jesus Christ is my Savior and He makes life worth living and beautiful! I’m so grateful for His powerful love and grace.

Some of the other things that I love are:

📓 writing, of course ;)

📀 listening to music

🎞 analog processes like film photography & vinyl records that help me slow down and enjoy the little moments

🌺 my border collie Skye

📔 reading

📷 going on adventures (especially if they involve wildlife photography)

🌻 chasing sunsets

🌐 mid-century modern and Art Deco design

🍊 kids and youth ministry (and volunteering at summer camp!)

✨ spending time with my family and friends

I’d love to hear from you, so pour some coffee or tea and let’s encourage each other in this journey!

About the Blog

Real life is hard. It can be painful and often leaves us feeling tired and defeated, believing lies that seem like reality. But if you are God’s child, He has promised to you victory, joy, and peace in Jesus Christ. This isn’t just specially reserved for Christian “heroes” but is possible for you and me too.

I hope that this blog encourages you to lift your eyes up to Jesus and rest all your hopes, dreams, and very life in His hands, trusting Him with all your heart about each detail of your life.